About our courses
Here at BRVO Tactical, our cadre are NTOA sniper instructor certified and AZPOST firearms instructor certified. Our instructors design our courses to be an accelerating training tool for local law enforcement, SWAT, and special unit programs. With U.S. Army Special Forces and local SWAT coming together to create a training program for developing highly proficient snipers and team members, the program is designed to become the operational standard for development of future snipers in the law enforcement and security community.
Training will be located on the BRVO compound in Heber, AZ, also known as Sierra 1. Our site provides over a hundred acres of training area with multiple live firing lanes. Sierra 1 provides an off-grid location for local law enforcement teams to train specific scenarios that are applicable to their environment and mission set.
For inquiries regarding scheduling, please follow the links below. Courses can also be redesigned and tailored to fit your agencies training objectives.

Main Courses Overview
*Courses can be redesigned to fit agency training objectives*

Basic Sniper Course
This is an introductory course that develops the skills and fundamentals necessary for law enforcement personnel to be able to utilize their weapon systems safely and accurately for the protection of themselves, the community, and those around them. This course creates the base level of rudimentary fundamentals and skills needed to be successful during follow on advanced skills training opportunities with BRVO Tactical.
Topics covered include:
Rifle nomenclature and maintenance
Long gun setup
High angle course of fire
Intro to wind reading/judging distance
Long gun fundamentals
Bolt gun CQB
Positional shooting techniques
Spotting scope introduction
Shooter/spotter communication
Long range target interdiction

Advanced Combat Sniper Concepts
Our Advanced Combat Sniper Concepts combines training curriculum from U.S. Special Forces and SWAT sniper schools to create an advanced sniper program designed to increase situational awareness and effectiveness on the ground to improve team member survivability.
Training available but not limited to:
Urban sniper
Mid-to-long range marksmanship
Rapid engagement techniques
High angle shooting
Close quarter battle engagements
Vehicle scenarios
Bolt gun CQB
Advanced wind reading/judging distance
Terminal ballistics
Chronograph/kestral class
Small unit tactics
Rapid engagements from vehicle
Camouflage and stalking lanes

Aerial/Drone Response Training
Using our Sierra 1 Site, teams will have the opportunity to train along-side U.S. Green Berets and SWAT personnel to fine tune their skills and tactics. Focusing on the utilization of ariel capabilities, we offer training on the utilization of multiple infiltration platforms to interdict targets. If your team does not have aircraft and would like to train with air, we are able to provide aircraft and pilots.
Training opportunities include:
Drone operator fundamentals
Helicopter pilot to team SOPs
SRT ariel support exercises
Drone ISR platform
Drone operations under nightvision
Rapid infiltration response
Casualty extraction drills
Aircraft signaling and communication
Ariel marksmanship
Aircraft procedures under NVGs

High Angle/Event Response Courses
These courses are designed to replicate the complications of providing security at large events and venues. Given the versatility that our training compound provides, law enforcement/security personnel will run situational based lanes to develop standard operating procedures and enhance command and control communication between snipers and ground force personnel.
Training includes:
Target identification
Time sensitive target exploitation
Rapid gun emplacement
Positional and dynamic engagement
Ground to scope communication and control
Mid-long range target interdiction
High angle rapid engagement techniques

SWAT Team and Small Unit Courses
From weapons handling to ambush survivability, our training program is designed to improve the individual officers' situational awareness and survivability in the field. Whether its challenging the most experienced officers or bringing the newest LEOs up to operational standards, this course will give added skills to law enforcement teams and personnel. Teams will be observed moving through dynamic terrain and obstacles and will be given multiple scenarios in order to be successful as a unit. Teams will spend lots of time in our indoor CQB facility utilizing Special Forces and SWAT CQB techniques with military grade non lethal simmunitions.
End goals from this course will be increased confidence in weapons handling, tactical knowledge, operational planning, survivability, situational awareness, and inter-unit communication.

SWAT K-9 Training
A SWAT teams ability to work closely with a deploying K9 unit can greatly increase the effectiveness of negotiations, the overall safety of the K9, and responding officers. Our SWAT K9 training is designed to bring SWAT members with their assigned K9 units together to further establish standard operating procedures. The training consists of improving interoperability between units during high risk deployments.
Units attending the course will receive training on utilizing proper negotiation techniques, escalation of force, SWAT team interaction with bite dog, hostage rescue scenarios, suspect apprehension with K9 assistance, and SWAT team/K9 command and control scenarios. Additional operational needs specific to the attending unit can be coordinated further with our instructors in order to meet department training objectives.